
Functional characterization of the circadian clock in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba

Biscontin A, Wallach T, Sales G, Grudziecki A, Janke L, Sartori E, Bertolucci C, Mazzotta G, De Pittà C, Meyer B, Kramer A, Costa R. Scientific Reports 2017 Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species in Southern Ocean ecosystem where it plays a central role in the Antarctic food web. Available information supports the existence of an endogenous timing […]

Inverse European Latitudinal Cline at the timeless Locus of Drosophila melanogaster Reveals Selection on a Clock Gene: Population Genetics of ls-tim.

Zonato V, Vanin S, Costa R, Tauber E, Kyriacou CP. J Biol Rhythms. 2017 The spread of adaptive genetic variants in populations is a cornerstone of evolutionary theory but with relatively few biologically well-understood examples. Previous work on the ls-tim variant of timeless, which encodes the light-sensitive circadian regulator in Drosophila melanogaster, suggests that it may […]

Enthusiastic and warm comment on our temperature data – Dear colleagues from Paris, we appreciate the encouragement!

Altered distal-proximal temperature gradient as a possible explanation for sleep-wake disturbances in cirrhotic patients. Liver International 2017 Weiss N, Attali V, Bouzbib C, Thabut D

Abnormalities in the Polysomnographic, Adenosine and Metabolic Response to Sleep Deprivation in an Animal Model of Hyperammonemia

Marini S, Santangeli O, Saarelainen P, Middleton B, Chowdhury N, Skene DJ, Costa R,Porkka-Heiskanen T, Montagnese S Frontiers in Physiology (section Integrative Physiology) Patients with liver cirrhosis can develop hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy (HE), accompanied by pronounced daytime sleepiness. Previous studies with healthy volunteers show that experimental increase in blood ammonium levels increases sleepiness and slows […]

Diurnal preference, mood and the response to morning light in relation to polymorphisms in the human clock gene PER3

Turco M, Biscontin A, Corrias M, Caccin L, Bano M, Chiaromanni F, Salamanca M, Mattei D, Salvoro C, Mazzotta G, De Pittà C, Middleton M, Skene D, Montagnese S, Costa R. Scientific reports PER3 gene polymorphisms have been associated with differences in human sleep-wake phenotypes, and sensitivity to light. The aims of this study were […]