Category Archives: Sleep

Managing Circadian Disruption due to Hospitalization: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of the CircadianCare Inpatient Management System

Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Giusti G, Domenie ED, Ruggerini D, Costa R, Skene DJ, Basso D, Battagliarin L, Di Bella A, Angeli P, Montagnese S J Biol Rhythms The objective of the present study was to test the effects of an inpatient management system (CircadianCare) aimed at limiting the negative impact of hospitalization […]

A Circadian Hygiene Education Initiative Covering the Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Period Resulted in Earlier Get-Up Times in Italian University Students: An Ecological Study

Montagnese S, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Giusti G, Mangini C, Isherwood CM, Ferrari P, Paoli A, Mapelli D, Rizzuto R, Toppo S, Skene DJ, Vettor R, Costa R Front Neurosci The aims of the present study were to obtain sleep quality and sleep timing information in a group of university students and to evaluate the […]

Frontiers in Chronobiology: Endogenous Clocks at the Core of Signaling Pathways in Physiology

Costa R Frontiers in Physiology Chronobiology is a relatively young and fast evolving research field, which aims at understanding the origin, the mechanisms and the prerogatives of endogenous biological clocks. The Chronobiology section of Frontiers in Physiology provides an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of research covering all aspects of the field, including molecular clock […]

A pilot study of Golexanolone, a new GABA-A receptor modulating steroid antagonist, in patients with covert hepatic encephalopathy

Montagnese S, Lauridsen M, Vilstrup H, Zarantonello L, Lakner G, Fitilev S, Zupanets I, Kozlova I, Bunkova E, Tomasiewicz K, Berglund JE, Rorsman F, Hagström H, Kechagias S, Ocklind CE, Mauney J, Thunarf F, Mokhatarani M, Bäckström T, Doverskog M, Lins LE, Månsson M, Samuelson P, Nilsson D, Schalling M, Johansson M, Arlander E, Scharschmidt […]

Effect of Morning Light Glasses and Night Short-Wavelength Filter Glasses on Sleep-Wake Rhythmicity in Medical Inpatients

Formentin C, Carraro S, Turco M, Zarantonello L, Angeli P, Montagnese S Frontiers in physiology Sleep and circadian rhythm disorders are common amongst medical inpatients. They are caused by a mixture of factors, including noise, loss of habitual daily routines, and abnormal exposure to light, which tends to be insufficient in the day and too […]

Sleep, Circadian Rhythmicity and Response to Chronotherapy in University Students: Tips from Chronobiology Practicals

Montagnese S, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Zancato C, Bonetto M B, Biscontin A, Cusumano P, Costa R (2021) Journal of Circadian Rhythms Chronobiology is not routinely taught to biology or medical students in most European countries. Here we present the results of the chronobiology practicals of a group of students of the University of Padova, with a […]

Gufi o allodole? Cosa sono e come funzionano gli orologi circadiani.

Costa R, Montagnese S L’orologio circadiano, che regola i ritmi sonno-veglia e altri aspetti della nostra fisiologia, si sincronizza con l’ambiente naturale che ci circonda, soprattutto per mezzo della luce del Sole. Tuttavia le nostre abitudini di vita, condizionate dall’orologio sociale, spesso confliggono con i ritmi dettati dall’orologio circadiano. Questo favorisce l’insorgenza di malattie, anche […]