All posts by SleepRhythm

Sleep and circadian rhythms in hospitalized patients with decompensated cirrhosis: effect of light therapy.

De Rui M, Middleton B, Sticca A, Gatta A, Amodio P, Skene DJ, Montagnese S. Neurochemistry Research Abstract Patients with liver cirrhosis often exhibit sleep-wake abnormalities, which are, at least to some extent, circadian in origin. A relatively novel non-pharmacological approach to circadian disruption is appropriately timed bright light therapy. The aims of this pilot […]

Fly cryptochrome and the visual system.

Mazzotta G, Rossi A, Leonardi E, Mason M, Bertolucci C, Caccin L, Spolaore B, Martin AJ, Schlichting M, Grebler R, Helfrich-Förster C, Mammi S, Costa R, Tosatto SC. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences Abstract Cryptochromes are flavoproteins, structurally and evolutionarily related to photolyases, that are involved in the development, magnetoreception, and temporal organization […]

Drosophila clock neurons under natural conditions.

Menegazzi P, Vanin S, Yoshii T, Rieger D, Hermann C, Dusik V, Kyriacou CP, Helfrich-Förster C, Costa R. Journal of biological rhythms Abstract The circadian clock modulates the adaptive daily patterns of physiology and behavior and adjusts these rhythms to seasonal changes. Recent studies of seasonal locomotor activity patterns of wild-type and clock mutant fruit […]

Unexpected features of Drosophila circadian behavioural rhythms under natural conditions.

Vanin S, Bhutani S, Montelli S, Menegazzi P, Green EW, Pegoraro M, Sandrelli F, Costa R, Kyriacou CP. Nature Abstract Circadian clocks have evolved to synchronize physiology, metabolism and behaviour to the 24-h geophysical cycles of the Earth. Drosophila melanogaster’s rhythmic locomotor behaviour provides the main phenotype for the identification of higher eukaryotic clock genes. […]

Induced hyperammonemia may compromise the ability to generate restful sleep in patients with cirrhosis.

Bersagliere A, Raduazzo ID, Nardi M, Schiff S, Gatta A, Amodio P, Achermann P, Montagnese S. Hepatology Abstract In patients with cirrhosis, hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy are common after gastrointestinal bleeding and can be simulated by an amino acid challenge (AAC), or the administration of a mixture of amino acids mimicking the composition of hemoglobin. […]