
Prof. Sara Montagnese

Sleep and Rhythms in Medicine
The Sleep and Rhythms in Medicine lab, which is part of the European Sleep Research Society network, aims at filling the gap between physiology and pathophysiology in human chronobiological research. Over the last few years we have studied the pathophysiology and the management of circadian and sleep disorders in patients with liver disease. We are currently using our experience with the liver as a model, and applying it to other areas of medicine both in the outpatient and inpatient setting. We also have experience in the development of patient-directed, specific tools for circadian assessment.


Sara Montagnese is a Professor of Medicine and Honorary Consultant Physician at Padova University Hospital, in Italy, and a Professor of Chronobiology and Chronobiology Section Lead at the University of Surrey, in the UK.

She has a longstanding clinical and research interest in hepatic encephalopathy, a cerebral complication of liver disease on which she has published extensively, especially in relation to diagnosis and differential diagnosis. She is Past President of the International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism (ISHEN) and Vicepresident and President Elect of the European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS). She is Associate Editor and Special Section Editor (Snapshots) of Journal of Hepatology, and Associate Editor of  Journal of Sleep Research and Frontiers in Physiology – Chronobiology. She has also been part of the Editorial Boards of Hepatology and BMJ-Open Gastroenterology.

She also has a research interest in the sleep-wake disturbances exhibited by patients with cirrhosis and she has made significant contributions to their understanding and their treatment. She is currently using her experience in the liver field as a model, and applying it to several other areas of medicine. In addition, she is working on the management of hospitalisation-related sleep-wake and circadian abnormalities, and on the definition of patient-specific tools for circadian assessment. Her research has been funded by the European Association for the Study of the Liver, the University of Padova, the CaRiPaRo foundation, the Italian Ministry of Health, and the EU- H2020.


Biscontin A, Russo A, Marnetto D, Pagani L, Costa R, Montagnese S (2024) Validation and TaqMan Conversion of a Molecular Chronotype Assessment Approach J Biol Rhythms

Giusti G, Mangini C, Erminelli D, Domenie ED, Montagnese S (2024) Assessing evidence in translational chronobiology: The cases of Daylight Saving Time and road safety, and of school start times and sleep duration Chronobiol Int

Zarantonello L, Brigadoi S, Schiff S, Bisiacchi PS, Cutini S, Montagnese S, Amodio P (2024) Electrophysiological and hemodynamic mechanisms underlying load modulations in visuospatial working memory: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalogram (EEG) study Behav Neurosci

Biscontin A, Russo A, Marnetto D, Pagani L, Costa R, Montagnese S (2024) Validation and TaqMan Conversion of a Molecular Chronotype Assessment Approach J Biol Rhythms

Giusti G, Mangini C, Erminelli D, Domenie ED, Montagnese S (2024) Assessing evidence in translational chronobiology: The cases of Daylight Saving Time and road safety, and of school start times and sleep duration Chronobiol Int

Zarantonello L, Brigadoi S, Schiff S, Bisiacchi PS, Cutini S, Montagnese S, Amodio P (2024) Electrophysiological and hemodynamic mechanisms underlying load modulations in visuospatial working memory: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) and electroencephalogram (EEG) study Behav Neurosci

Sørensen M, Lauridsen MM, Montagnese S (2024) The social and psychological impact of hepatic encephalopathy Metab Brain Dis

Orsini F, Domenie ED, Zarantonello L, Costa R, Montagnese S, Rossi R (2024) Long-term effects of daylight saving time on driving fatigue Heliyon

Gairing SJ, Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Jonasson E, Dobbermann H, Sultanik P, Galle PR, Labenz J, Thabut D, Marquardt JU, Bloom PP, Lauridsen MM, Montagnese S, Labenz C (2024) Proton pump inhibitor use and risk of hepatic encephalopathy: A multicentre study JHEP Rep

Gairing SJ, Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Jonasson E, Danneberg S, Sultanik P, Galle PR, Gioia S, Labenz J, Lok AS, Marquardt JU, Lauridsen MM, Bloom PP, Thabut D, Nardelli S, Montagnese S, Labenz C (2024) PHES scores have limited impact on the risk of overt HE in patients with minimal HE Hepatol Commun

Amodio P, Montagnese S (2024) No Solid Reasons Not to Measure Ammonia Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol

Erminelli D, Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Angeli P, Montagnese S (2024) Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy: More Than Meets the Eye Am J Gastroenterol

Amodio P, Huang CH, Montagnese S (2024) Letter to the Editor: Health warning for humble writers, distracted reviewers and naive readers Hepatology

Giusti G, Domenie ED, Zarantonello L, Mangini C, Ferrari P, Costa R, Montagnese S (2024) Personalising circadian hygiene educational initiatives aimed at university students-“He who has ears to hear, let him hear” J Sleep Res

Abid NU, Lum Cheng In T, Bottaro M, Shen X, Hernaez Sanz I, Yoshida S, Formentin C, Montagnese S, Mani AR (2024) Application of short-term analysis of skin temperature variability in prediction of survival in patients with cirrhosis Front Netw Physiol

Friis KH, Thomsen KL, Laleman W, Montagnese S, Vilstrup H, Lauridsen MM (2023) Post-Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) Hepatic Encephalopathy-A Review of the Past Decade’s Literature Focusing on Incidence, Risk Factors, and Prophylaxis J Clin Med

Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Giusti G, Domenie ED, Ruggerini D, Costa R, Skene DJ, Basso D, Battagliarin L, Di Bella A, Angeli P, Montagnese S (2023) Managing Circadian Disruption due to Hospitalization: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of the CircadianCare Inpatient Management System J Biol Rhythms

Domenie ED, Zarantonello L, Mangini C, Formentin C, Giusti G, Ruggerini D, Cusumano P, Biscontin A, Costa R, Montagnese S (2023) The Alarm Clock Against the Sun: Trends in Google Trends Search Activity Across the Transitions to and from Daylight Saving Time J Circadian Rhythms

Gairing SJ, Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Gioia S, Nielsen EJ, Danneberg S, Lok AS, Sultanik P, Galle PR, Labenz J, Thabut D, Marquardt JU, Bloom PP, Lauridsen MM, Montagnese S, Nardelli S, Labenz C (2023) Minimal hepatic encephalopathy is associated with a higher risk of overt hepatic encephalopathy and poorer survival J Intern Med

Orsini F, Giusti G, Zarantonello L, Costa R, Montagnese S, Rossi R (2023) Driving fatigue increases after the Spring transition to Daylight Saving Time in young male drivers: A pilot study Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour

Zarantonello L, Mangini C, Erminelli D, Fasolato S, Angeli P, Amodio P & Montagnese S (2023) Working Memory in Patients with Varying Degree of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE): A Pilot EEG-fNIRS Study Neurochem Res

Riggio O, Celsa C, Calvaruso V, Merli M, Caraceni P, Montagnese S, Mora V, Milana M, Saracco GM, Raimondo G, Benedetti A, Burra P, Sacco R, Persico M, Schepis F, Villa E, Colecchia A, Fagiuoli S, Pirisi M, Barone M, Azzaroli F, Soardo G, Russello M, Morisco F, Labanca S, Fracanzani AL, Pietrangelo A, Di Maria G, Nardelli S, Ridola L, Gasbarrini A, Cammà C (2023) Hepatic encephalopathy increases the risk for mortality and hospital readmission in decompensated cirrhotic patients: a prospective multicenter study Front Med

Montagnese S, Lauridsen MM (2023) Special Issue: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of hepatic encephalopathy Metab Brain Dis

Facer-Childs ER, Kim M, Montagnese S (2023) Editorial: Translational and clinical chronobiology Front Physiol

Chaganti J, Zeng G, Tun N, Lockart I, Abdelshaheed C, Cysique L, Montagnese S, Brew BJ, Danta M (2023) Novel magnetic resonance KTRANS measurement of blood-brain barrier permeability correlated with covert HE Hepatol Commun

Mangini C, Gagliardi R, Causin F, Angeli P, Montagnese S (2023) An isolated insular stroke mimics a bout of overt hepatic encephalopathy in a patient with cirrhosis J Hepatol

Gairing SJ, Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Gioia S, Nielsen EJ, Danneberg S, Gabriel M, Ehrenbauer AF, Bloom PP, Ripoll C, Sultanik P, Galle PR, Labenz J, Thabut D, Zipprich A, Lok AS, Weissenborn K, Marquardt JU, Lauridsen MM, Nardelli S, Montagnese S, Labenz C (2023) Prevalence of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Liver Cirrhosis: A Multicenter Study Am J Gastroenterol

Zhang H, Oyelade T, Moore KP, Montagnese S, Mani AR (2022) Prognosis and Survival Modelling in Cirrhosis Using Parenclitic Networks Front Netw Physiol

Andreatta G, Montagnese S, Costa R (2023) Natural alleles of the clock gene timeless differentially affect life-history traits in Drosophila Front Physiol

Costa R, Mangini C, Domenie E, Zarantonello L, Montagnese S (2022) Circadian rhythms and the liver Liver Int

Klerman EB, Brager A, Carskadon MA, Depner CM, Foster R, Goel N, Harrington M, Holloway PM, Knauert MP, LeBourgeois MK, Lipton J, Merrow M, Montagnese S, Ning M, Ray D, Scheer FAJL, Shea SA, Skene DJ, Spies C, Staels B, St-Onge MP, Tiedt S, Zee PC, Burgess HJ (2022) Keeping an eye on circadian time in clinical research and medicine Clin Transl Med

Granados-Fuentes D, Cho K, Patti GJ, Costa R, Herzog E D, Montagnese S (2022) Hyperammonaemia disrupts daily rhythms reversibly by elevating glutamate in the central circadian pacemaker Liver Int

Orsini F, Zarantonello L, Costa R, Rossi R, Montagnese S (2022) Driving simulator performance worsens after the Spring transition to Daylight Saving Time iScience

Häussinger D, Dhiman RK, Felipo V, Görg B, Jalan R, Kircheis G, Merli M, Montagnese S, Romero-Gomez M, Schnitzler A, Taylor-Robinson SD, Vilstrup H (2022) Hepatic encephalopathy Nat Rev Dis Primers

Montagnese S, Gómez MR, Larsen FS, Shawcross D, Thabut D, Vilstrup HA V, Weissenborn K, Rautou PE, European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) (2022) EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on the management of hepatic encephalopathy Journal of Hepatology

Mangini C, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Giusti G, Angeli P, Montagnese S (2022) Evolution of hepatic encephalopathy over time: ecological data from a tertiary referral centre for hepatology Digestive and Liver Disease

Biscontin A, Zarantonello L, Russo A, Costa R, Montagnese R (2022) Toward a Molecular Approach to Chronotype Assessment J Biol Rhythms

Montagnese S, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Giusti G, Mangini C, Isherwood CM, Ferrari P, Paoli A, Mapelli D, Rizzuto R, Toppo S, Skene DJ, Vettor R, Costa R (2022) A Circadian Hygiene Education Initiative Covering the Pre-pandemic and Pandemic Period Resulted in Earlier Get-Up Times in Italian University Students: An Ecological Study Front Neurosci

Marnetto D, Pankratov  V, Mondal M, Montinaro F, Pärna K, Vallini L, Molinaro L, Saag L, Loog L, Montagnese S, Costa R, Estonian Biobank Research Team, Metspalu M, Eriksson A, Pagani L (2022) Ancestral genomic contributions to complex traits in contemporary Europeans Current Biology

Mangini C, Montagnese S (2021) New Therapies of Liver Diseases: Hepatic Encephalopathy J Clin Med

Ponziani FR, Aghemo A, Cabibbo G, Masarone M, Montagnese S, Petta S, Russo FP, Lai Q, AISF COVID-19 survey group (2021) Management of liver disease in Italy after one year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a web-based survey Liver International

Garcia-Pagan JC, Francoz C, Montagnese S, Senzolo M, Mookerjee RP (2021) Management of the major complications of cirrhosis: Beyond guidelines Journal of Hepatology

Russo F P, Piano S, Bruno R, Burra P, Puoti M, Masarone M, Montagnese S, Ponziani F R, Petta S, Aghemo A, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (2021) Italian association for the study of the liver position statement on SARS-CoV2 vaccination  Digestive and Liver Disease

Montagnese S, Lauridsen M, Vilstrup H, Zarantonello L, Lakner G, Fitilev S, Zupanets I, Kozlova I, Bunkova E, Tomasiewicz K, Berglund JE, Rorsman F, Hagström H, Kechagias S, Ocklind CE, Mauney J, Thunarf F, Mokhatarani M, Bäckström T, Doverskog M, Lins LE, Månsson M, Samuelson P, Nilsson D, Schalling M, Johansson M, Arlander E, Scharschmidt B (2021) A pilot study of Golexanolone, a new GABA-A receptor modulating steroid antagonist, in patients with covert hepatic encephalopathy Journal of Hepatololy

Haspel J, Kim M, Zee P, Schwarzmeier T, Montagnese S, Panda S, Albani A, Merrow M (2021)  A Time Call to Arms; COVID-19, the Circadian Clock, and Critical Care  Journal of Biological Rhythms

Costa R, Montagnese S (2021)  The role of astrocytes in generating circadian rhythmicity in health and disease Journal of Neurochemistry

Montagnese S, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Zancato C, Bonetto M B, Biscontin A, Cusumano P, Costa R (2021)  Sleep, Circadian Rhythmicity and Response to Chronotherapy in University Students: Tips from Chronobiology Practicals Journal of Circadian Rhythms

Formentin C, Zarantonello L, Mangini C, Frigo A C, Montagnese S, Merkel C (2021)  Clinical, neuropsychological and neurophysiological indices and predictors of hepatic encephalopathy (HE). Liver International

Costa R, Montagnese S (2020)  Gufi o allodole? Cosa sono e come funzionano gli orologi circadianiEditore il Mulino.

Formentin C, Carraro S, Turco M, Zarantonello L, Angeli P, Montagnese S (2020) Effect of Morning Light Glasses and Night Short-Wavelength Filter Glasses on Sleep-Wake Rhythmicity in Medical Inpatients Frontiers in physiology

Zeng G, Penninkilampi R, Chaganti J, Montagnese S, Brew BJ, Danta M (2020) A meta-analysis of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy. Neurology

Ghotbi N, Pilz LK, Winnebeck EC, Vetter C, Zerbini G, Lenssen D, Frighetto G, Salamanca M, Costa R, Montagnese S, Roenneberg T (2019)  The µMCTQ: An Ultra-Short Version of the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Journal of Biological Rhythms

Moreau R, Clària J, Aguilar F, Fenaille F, Lozano JJ, Junot c, Colsch B, Caraceni P, Trebicka J, Pavesi M, Alessandria C, Nevens F, Saliba F, Welzel TM, Albillos A, Gustot T, Fernández J, Moreno C, Baldassarre M, Zaccherini G, Piano S, Montagnese S, Vargas V, Genescà J, Solà E, Bernal W, Butin H, Hautbergue T, Cholet S, Caselli F. Jansen C, Steib C, Campion D, Mookerjee R, Rodríguez-Gandía M, Soriano G, Durand F, Benten D, Bañares R, Stauber RE25, Gronbaek H26, Coenraad MJ27, Ginès P16, Gerbes A19, Jalan R28, Bernardi M6, Arroyo V3, Angeli P29; CANONIC Study Investigators of the EASL Clif Consortium; Grifols Chair; European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure (EF Clif) (2019) Blood metabolomics undercovers inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction as a potentian mechanism underlying ACLF. Journal of Hepatology

Formentin C, Zarantonello L, Mangini C, Angeli P, Merkel C, Montagnese S (2019) Clinical value of asterixis in 374 well-characterised patients with cirrhosis and varying degree of hepatic encephalopathy. Digestive and Liver Disease

Senzolo M, Zarantonello L, Formentin C, Orlando C, Beltrame F, Vuerich A, Angeli P, Burra P, Montagnese S (2019) Predictive value of induced hyperammonaemia and neuropsychiatric profiling in relation to the occurrence of post-TIPS hepatic encephalopathyMetabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, on behalf of AISF, the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver. (2019) Agreement and compliance with process measures proposed by the AASLD Practice Metrics Committee: An Italian perspective. Digestive and Liver Disease

Satti R, Abid N, Bottaro M, De Rui M, Garrido M, Rauofy MR, Montagnese S, Mani AR. (2019) The application of the extended Poincaré plot in the analysis of physiological variabilities. Frontiers in Physiology

Montagnese S, Bajaj JS. (2019) Impact of Hepatic Encephalopathy in Cirrhosis on Quality-of-Life Issues. Drugs

Formentin C, De Rui M, Zoncapè M, Ceccato S, Zarantonello L, Senzolo M, Burra P, Angeli P, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2019) The Psychomotor Vigilance Task: Role in the Diagnosis of Hepatic Encephalopathy and Relationship with Driving Ability. Journal of Hepatology

Montagnese S, Russo FP, Amodio P, Burra P, Gasbarrini A, Loguercio C, Marchesini G, Merli M, Ponziani FR, Riggio O, Scarpignato C. (2019) Hepatic encephalopathy 2018: a clinical practice guideline by the Italian Association for the Study of the Liver (AISF) . Digestive and Liver Disease

Bhogal AS, De Rui M, Pavanello D, El-Azizi I, Rowshan S, Amodio P, Montagnese S, Mani AR. (2019) Which heart rate variability index is an independent predictor of mortality in cirrhosis. Digestive and Liver Disease

Merli M, Zelber-Sagi S, Dasarathy S, Montagnese S, Genton L, Plauth M, Parés A, Berzigotti A. (2019) EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on nutrition in chronic liver disease. Journal of Hepatology

Trotta E, Bortolotti S, Fugazzotto G, Gellera C, Montagnese S, Amodio P. (2018) Familial vitamin E deficiency: Multiorgan complications support the adverse role of oxidative stress. Nutrition

Turco M, Cazzagon N, Franceschet I, Formentin C, Frighetto G, Giordani F, Cellini N, Mazzotta G, Costa R, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Floreani A, Montagnese S. (2018) Morning Bright Light Treatment for Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in Physiology

Ferrazzi E, Romualdi C, Ocello M, Frighetto G, Turco M, Vigolo S, Fabris F, Angeli P, Vettore G, Costa R, Montagnese S. (2018) Changes in Accident & Emergency Visits and Return Visits in Relation to the Enforcement of Daylight Saving Time and Photoperiod. Journal of Biological Rhythms.

Formentin C, Garrido M, Montagnese S. (2018) Assessment and Management of Sleep Disturbance in Cirrhosis. Current Hepatology Reports.

Bhogal AS, Montagnese S, Mani AR. The consideration of heart rate complexity as a co-morbidity factor for liver transplantation selection procedures. (2018) Liver International

Mani AR, Mazloom R, Haddadian Z, Montagnese S. (2018) Body temperature fluctuation analysis in cirrhosis. Liver International

Volpato S, Montagnese S, Zanetto A, Turco M, De Rui M, Ferrarese A, Amodio P,  Germani G, Senzolo M, Gambato M, Russo FP, Burra P. (2017) Neuropsychiatric performance and treatment of hepatitis C with direct-acting antivirals: a prospective study. BMJ Open Gastroenterology

Garrido M, Turco M, Formentin C, Corrias M, De Rui M, Montagnese S, Amodio P. (2017) An educational tool for the prophylaxis of hepatic encephalopathy. BMJ Open Gastroenterology

Marini S, Santangeli O, Saarelainen P, Middleton B, Chowdhury N, Skene DJ, Costa R, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Montagnese S. (2017) Abnormalities in the Polysomnographic, Adenosine and Metabolic Response to Sleep Deprivation in an Animal Model of Hyperammonemia. Frontiers in Physiology

Turco M, Biscontin A, Corrias M, Caccin L, Bano M, Chiaromanni F, Salamanca M, Mattei D, Salvoro C, Mazzotta G, De Pittà C, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Montagnese S, Costa R. (2017) Diurnal preference, mood and the response to morning light in relation to polymorphisms in the human clock gene PER3. Scientific Reports

Garrido M, Saccardo D, De Rui M, Vettore E, Verardo A, Carraro P, Di Vitofrancesco N, Mani AR, Angeli P, Bolognesi M, Montagnese S. (2017) Abnormalities in the 24-hour rhythm of skin temperature in cirrhosis: Sleep-wake and general clinical implications. Liver International

Longato E, Garrido M, Saccardo D, Montesinos Guevara C, Mani AR, Bolognesi M, Amodio P, Facchinetti A, Sparacino G, Montagnese S. (2017) Expected accuracy of proximal and distal temperature estimated by wireless sensors, in relation to their number and position on the skin. PLoS One.

Amodio P, Montagnese S, Spinelli G, Schiff S, Mapelli D. (2017) Cognitive reserve is a resilience factor for cognitive dysfunction in hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, Angeli P, Craxì A. (2017) Between reality and the guidelines: A survey on perception, diagnosis and management of hepatic encephalopathy in 201 Italian specialist centres. Digestive and Liver Disease

Campagna F, Montagnese S, Ridola L, Senzolo M, Schiff S, De Rui M, Pasquale C, Nardelli S, Pentassuglio I, Merkel C, Angeli P, Riggio O, Amodio P. (2017) The animal naming test: An easy tool for the assessment of hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatology

Montagnese S, De Rui M, Angeli P, Amodio P. (2017) Reply to: “Tools and tactics for improving diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy”. Journal of Hepatology

Montagnese S, De Rui M, Angeli P, Amodio P. (2017) Neuropsychiatric performance in patients with cirrhosis: Who is “normal”? Journal of Hepatology

Cagnin A, Fragiacomo F, Camporese G, Turco M, Bussè C, Ermani M, Montagnese S. (2017) Sleep-Wake Profile in Dementia with Lewy Bodies, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Normal Aging. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

McPhail MJ, Montagnese S, Villanova M, El Hadi H, Amodio P, Crossey MM, Williams R, Cox IJ, Taylor-Robinson SD. (2017) Urinary metabolic profiling by (1)H NMR spectroscopy in patients with cirrhosis may discriminate overt but not covert hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Vassena C, Casati M, Sala G, Perlangeli V, Montagnese S, Ippolito S, Carati L. (2016) Evaluation of a Modified Roche Enzymatic Ammonia Method for Roche Cobas 6000 (c501 Module) Automated Platform: When 5 µL Improves Performance. Clinical Laboratory

Schiff S, Amodio P, Testa G, Nardi M, Montagnese S, Caregaro L, di Pellegrino G, Sellitto M. (2016) Impulsivity toward food reward is related to BMI: Evidence from intertemporal choice in obese and normal-weight individuals. Brain and Cognition

Felipo V, Montagnese S. (2016) A rare and revealing glimpse of the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with hepatic encephalopathy. Journal of Hepatology

Garrido M, Skorucak J, Raduazzo D, Turco M, Spinelli G, Angeli P, Amodio P, Achermann P, Montagnese S. (2016) Vigilance and wake EEG architecture in simulated hyperammonaemia: a pilot study on the effects of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate (LOLA) and caffeine. Metabolic Brain Disease

Schiff S, Casa M, Di Caro V, Aprile D, Spinelli G, De Rui M, Angeli P, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2016) A low-cost, user-friendly electroencephalographic recording system for the assessment of hepatic encephalopathy. Hepatology

De Rui M, Montagnese S, Amodio P. Recent developments in the diagnosis and treatment of covert/minimal hepatic encephalopathy. (2016) Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Morgan MY, Amodio P, Cook NA, Jackson CD, Kircheis G, Lauridsen MM, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Weissenborn K. (2016) Qualifying and quantifying minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Amodio P, Montagnese S, Mullen K, Orr JG, Vilstrup H. (2016) Where are we going? Translational research in hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Rosi S, Poretto V, Cavallin M, Angeli P, Amodio P, Sattin A, Montagnese S. (2015) Hepatic decompensation in the absence of obvious precipitants: the potential role of cytomegalovirus infection/reactivation. BMJ Open Gastroenterology

Turco M, Corrias M, Chiaromanni F, Bano M, Salamanca M, Caccin L, Merkel C, Amodio P, Romualdi C, De Pittà C, Costa R, Montagnese S. (2015) The self-morningness/eveningness (Self-ME): An extremely concise and totally subjective assessment of diurnal preference. Chronobiology International

Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2015) Clinical neurophysiology of hepatic encephalopathy. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology

Montagnese S, Turco M, Amodio P. (2015) Hepatic encephalopathy and sleepiness: an interesting connection? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology

Drenth JP, Montagnese S. (2015) First evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and management of hepatic encephalopathy: A welcome development. Journal of Hepatology

Rosi S, Piano S, Frigo AC, Morando F, Fasolato S, Cavallin M, Gola E, Romano A, Montagnese S, Sticca A, Gatta A, Angeli P. (2015) New ICA criteria for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury in cirrhotic patients: can we use an imputed value of serum creatinine? Liver International

Riggio O, Amodio P, Farcomeni A, Merli M, Nardelli S, Pasquale C, Pentassuglio I, Gioia S, Onori E, Piazza N, De Rui M, Schiff S, Montagnese S. (2015) A Model for Predicting Development of Overt Hepatic Encephalopathy in Patients With Cirrhosis. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Romero-Gómez M, Montagnese S, Jalan R. (2015) Hepatic encephalopathy in patients with acute decompensation of cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure. Journal of Hepatology

Montagnese S, De Rui M, Schiff S, Ceranto E, Valenti P, Angeli P, Cillo U, Zanus G, Gatta A, Amodio P, Merkel C. (2015) Prognostic benefit of the addition of a quantitative index of hepatic encephalopathy to the MELD score: the MELD-EEG. Liver International

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Corrias M, Mani AR, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2015) Assessment of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin rhythms and melatonin response to light in disease states: lessons from cirrhosis. Chronobiol International

Casula EP, Bisiacchi PS, Corrias M, Schiff S, Merkel C, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2015) Acute hyperammonaemia induces a sustained decrease in vigilance, which is modulated by caffeine. Metabolic Brain Disease

Campagna F, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Ruzzoli M, Biancardi A, Iannizzi P, Pujatti PL, Angeli P, Gatta A, Merkel C, Leandro G, Mapelli D, Amodio P. (2015) Confounders in the detection of minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a neuropsychological and quantified EEG study. Liver International

Valenti P, Ortelli P, Zanon A, Schiff S, Montagnese S, Avruscio G, Del Piccolo F, Mapelli D, Puato M, Rattazzi M, Amodio P, Pauletto P. (2015) Psychometric and EEG changes after carotid endarterectomy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, Schiff S, Amodio P. (2015) Quick diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy: fact or fiction? Hepatology

Corrias M, Turco M, Rui MD, Gatta A, Angeli P, Merkel C, Amodio P, Schiff S, Montagnese S. (2014) Covert hepatic encephalopathy: does the mini-mental state examination help? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology

Bano M, Chiaromanni F, Corrias M, Turco M, De Rui M, Amodio P, Merkel C, Gatta A, Mazzotta G, Costa R, Montagnese S. (2014) The influence of environmental factors on sleep quality in hospitalized medical patients. Frontiers in Neurology

Montagnese S, Balistreri E, Schiff S, De Rui M, Angeli P, Zanus G, Cillo U, Bombonato G, Bolognesi M, Sacerdoti D, Gatta A, Merkel C, Amodio P. (2014) Covert hepatic encephalopathy: agreement and predictive validity of different indices. World Journal of Gastroenterology

De Rui M, Middleton B, Sticca A, Gatta A, Amodio P, Skene DJ, Montagnese S. (2014) Sleep and circadian rhythms in hospitalized patients with decompensated cirrhosis: effect of light therapy. Neurochemistry Research

Di Pascoli L, Buja A, Bolognesi M, Montagnese S, Gatta A, Gregori D, Merkel C. (2014) Cost-effectiveness analysis of beta-blockers vs endoscopic surveillance in patients with cirrhosis and small varices. World Journal of Gastroenterology

Amodio P, Canesso F, Montagnese S. (2014) Dietary management of hepatic encephalopathy revisited. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care

Campagna F, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Biancardi A, Mapelli D, Angeli P, Poci C, Cillo U, Merkel C, Gatta A, Amodio P. (2014) Cognitive impairment and electroencephalographic alterations before and after liver transplantation: what is reversible? Liver Transplantation

Bisiacchi P, Cona G, Tarantino V, Schiff S, Montagnese S, Amodio P, Capizzi G. (2014) Assessing inter- and intra-individual cognitive variability in patients at risk for cognitive impairment: the case of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Cona G, Montagnese S, Bisiacchi PS, Gatta A, Cillo U, Angeli P, Amodio P, Schiff S. (2014) Early markers of neural dysfunction and compensation: a model from minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical Neurophysiology

Schiff S, D’Avanzo C, Cona G, Goljahani A, Montagnese S, Volpato C, Gatta A, Sparacino G, Amodio P, Bisiacchi P. (2014) Insight into the relationship between brain/behavioral speed and variability in patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical Neurophysiology

Montagnese S, De Pittà C, De Rui M, Corrias M, Turco M, Merkel C, Amodio P, Costa R, Skene DJ, Gatta A. (2014) Sleep-wake abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology

Anstee QM, Knapp S, Maguire EP, Hosie AM, Thomas P, Mortensen M, Bhome R, Martinez A, Walker SE, Dixon CI, Ruparelia K, Montagnese S, Kuo YT, Herlihy A, Bell JD, Robinson I, Guerrini I, McQuillin A, Fisher EM, Ungless MA, Gurling HM, Morgan MY, Brown SD, Stephens DN, Belelli D, Lambert JJ, Smart TG, Thomas HC. (2013) Mutations in the Gabrb1 gene promote alcohol consumption through increased tonic inhibition. Nature Communications

Shirazi AH, Raoufy MR, Ebadi H, De Rui M, Schiff S, Mazloom R, Hajizadeh S, Gharibzadeh S, Dehpour AR, Amodio P, Jafari GR, Montagnese S, Mani AR. (2013) Quantifying memory in complex physiological time-series. PLoS One.

Merkel C, Montagnese S, Amodio P. (2013) Primary prophylaxis of bleeding from esophageal varices in cirrhosis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology

Montagnese S, Schiff S, Realdi A, Inverso G, Pellegrini A, Iannizzi P, Manara R, Mapelli D, Amodio P, Semplicini A. (2013) Abnormal cerebral electrogenesis is associated with impaired cognitive performance in hypertensive patients. Journal of Human Hypertension

Amodio P, Bemeur C, Butterworth R, Cordoba J, Kato A, Montagnese S, Uribe M, Vilstrup H, Morgan MY. (2013) The nutritional management of hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis: International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy and Nitrogen Metabolism Consensus. Hepatology

Babiloni C, Vecchio F, Del Percio C, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Lizio R, Chini G, Serviddio G, Marzano N, Soricelli A, Frisoni GB, Rossini PM, Amodio P. (2013) Resting state cortical electroencephalographic rhythms in covert hepatic encephalopathy and Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease

De Rui M, Schiff S, Aprile D, Angeli P, Bombonato G, Bolognesi M, Sacerdoti D, Gatta A, Merkel C, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2013) Excessive daytime sleepiness and hepatic encephalopathy: it is worth asking. Metabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, Nsemi LM, Cazzagon N, Facchini S, Costa L, Bergasa NV, Amodio P, Floreani A. (2013) Sleep-Wake profiles in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Liver Transplantation

Bersagliere A, Raduazzo ID, Schiff S, Gatta A, Merkel C, Amodio P, Achermann P, Montagnese S. (2013) Ammonia-related changes in cerebral electrogenesis in healthy subjects and patients with cirrhosis. Clinical Neurophysiology

Montagnese S, Merkel C, Amodio P. (2012) Encephalopathy or hepatic encephalopathy? Journal of Hepatology

Montagnese S, Schiff S, Turco M, Bonato CA, Ridola L, Gatta A, Nousbaum JB, Riggio O, Merkel C, Amodio P. (2012) Simple tools for complex syndromes: a three-level difficulty test for hepatic encephalopathy. Digestive and Liver Disease

Montagnese S, Amato E, Schiff S, Facchini S, Angeli P, Gatta A, Amodio P. (2012) A patients’ and caregivers’ perspective on hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Amodio P, Salari L, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Neri D, Bianco T, Minazzato L. (2012) Hepatitis C virus infection and health-related quality of life. World Journal of Gastroenterology

Montagnese S, Schiff S, De Rui M, Crossey MM, Amodio P, Taylor-Robinson SD. (2012) Neuropsychological tools in hepatology: a survival guide for the clinician. Journal of Viral Hepatitis

Montagnese S, Amodio P, Angeli P. (2012) What type of probiotic was used? European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Amodio P, Montagnese S, Merkel C. (2012) Attention: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy and road accidents. Hepatology

De Rui M, Gaiani S, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Schiff S, Gatta A, Merkel C, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2011) Bright times for patients with cirrhosis and delayed sleep habits: a case report on the beneficial effect of light therapy. American Journal of Gastroenterology

Boscolo-Berto R, Viel G, Montagnese S, Raduazzo DI, Ferrara SD, Dauvilliers Y. (2012) Narcolepsy and effectiveness of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB): a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sleep Medicine Reviews

Bersagliere A, Raduazzo ID, Nardi M, Schiff S, Gatta A, Amodio P, Achermann P, Montagnese S. (2012) Induced hyperammonemia may compromise the ability to generate restful sleep in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology.

Senzolo M, Schiff S, D’Aloiso CM, Crivellin C, Cholongitas E, Burra P, Montagnese S. (2011) Neuropsychological alterations in hepatitis C infection: the role of inflammation. World Journal of Gastroenterology

Marchetti P, D’Avanzo C, Orsato R, Montagnese S, Schiff S, Kaplan PW, Piccione F, Merkel C, Gatta A, Sparacino G, Toffolo GM, Amodio P. (2011) Electroencephalography in patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterology

Lydall GJ, Saini J, Ruparelia K, Montagnese S, McQuillin A, Guerrini I, Rao H, Reynolds G, Ball D, Smith I, Thomson AD, Morgan MY, Gurling HM. (2011) Genetic association study of GABRA2 single nucleotide polymorphisms and electroencephalography in alcohol dependence. Neuroscience Letters

Merkel C, Montagnese S. (2011) Hepatic venous pressure gradient measurement in clinical hepatology. Digestive and Liver Disease

Riggio O, Ridola L, Pasquale C, Pentassuglio I, Nardelli S, Moscucci F, Merli M, Montagnese S, Amodio P, Merkel C. (2011) A simplified psychometric evaluation for the diagnosis of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Montagnese S, Biancardi A, Schiff S, Carraro P, Carlà V, Mannaioni G, Moroni F, Tono N, Angeli P, Gatta A, Amodio P. (2011) Different biochemical correlates for different neuropsychiatric abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology

Merkel C, Montagnese S. (2011) Should we routinely measure portal pressure in patients with cirrhosis, using hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) as guidance for prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding and re-bleeding? Yes! European Journal of Internal Medicine

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Mani AR, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2011) Changes in the 24-h plasma cortisol rhythm in patients with cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology

Baccarani U, Zola E, Adani GL, Cavalletti M, Schiff S, Cagnin A, Poci C, Merkel C, Amodio P, Montagnese S. (2010) Reversal of hepatic myelopathy after liver transplantation: fifteen plus one. Liver Transplantation

Montagnese S, Cona G, Schiff S, Maresio G, Gatta A, Merkel C, Amodio P. (2011) The hunter and the pianist: two hepatic encephalopathy tales. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology

Amodio P, Ridola L, Schiff S, Montagnese S, Pasquale C, Nardelli S, Pentassuglio I, Trezza M, Marzano C, Flaiban C, Angeli P, Cona G, Bisiacchi P, Gatta A, Riggio O. (2010) Improving the inhibitory control task to detect minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Gastroenterology

Montagnese S, Schiff S, Poci C, Iannizzi P, Biancardi A, Manara R, Briani C, Mapelli D, Realdi G, Amodio P. (2010) Split-brain syndrome after hepatic transplantation: a tacrolimus-related vasculitis? Metabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Mani AR, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2010) On the origin and the consequences of circadian abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis. American Journal of Gastroenterology

Kajihara M, Montagnese S, Khanna P, Amodio P, Schapira AH, Dusheiko GM, Morgan MY. (2010) Parkinsonism in patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with interferon-alpha2b: a report of two cases. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Mani AR, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2010) Melatonin rhythms in patients with cirrhosis. American Journal of Gastroenterology

Montagnese S, Schiff S, Gatta A, Riggio O, Morgan MY, Amodio P. (2010) Hepatic encephalopathy: you should only comment on what you have actually measured. Journal of Gastroenterology

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Mani AR, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2009) Sleep and circadian abnormalities in patients with cirrhosis: features of delayed sleep phase syndrome? Metabolic Brain Disease

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2009) Night-time sleep disturbance does not correlate with neuropsychiatric impairment in patients with cirrhosis. Liver International

Montagnese S, Middleton B, Skene DJ, Morgan MY. (2009) Sleep-wake patterns in patients with cirrhosis: all you need to know on a single sheet. A simple sleep questionnaire for clinical use. Journal of Hepatology

Mani AR, Montagnese S, Jackson CD, Jenkins CW, Head IM, Stephens RC, Moore KP, Morgan MY. (2009) Decreased heart rate variability in patients with cirrhosis relates to the presence and degree of hepatic encephalopathy. American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology

Amodio P, Biancardi A, Montagnese S, Angeli P, Iannizzi P, Cillo U, D’Amico D, Gatta A. (2007) Neurological complications after orthotopic liver transplantationDigestive and Liver Disease

Montagnese S, Jackson C, Morgan MY. (2007) Spatio-temporal decomposition of the electroencephalogram in patients with cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology

Pascoli D, Guérit JM, Montagnese S, de Tourtchaninoff M, Minelli T, Pellegrini A, Del Piccolo F, Gatta A, Amodio P. (2006) Analysis of EEG tracings in frequency and time domain in hepatic encephalopathy. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Mani AR, Rasool R, Montagnese S, Dehpour AR. (2006) Endogenous opioids and liver disease. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology

Montagnese S, Gordon HM, Jackson C, Smith J, Tognella P, Jethwa N, Sherratt RM, Morgan MY. (2005) Disruption of smooth pursuit eye movements in cirrhosis: relationship to hepatic encephalopathy and its treatment. Hepatology

Costa R, Montagnese S (2021)  The role of astrocytes in generating circadian rhythmicity in health and disease Journal of Neurochemistry

Montagnese S, Amodio P, Morgan MY. (2004) Methods for diagnosing hepatic encephalopathy in patients with cirrhosis: a multidimensional approach. Metabolic Brain Disease

Amodio P, Montagnese S, Gatta A, Morgan MY. (2004) Characteristics of minimal hepatic encephalopathy. Metabolic Brain Disease

Amodio P, Pellegrini A, Amistà P, Luise S, Del Piccolo F, Mapelli D, Montagnese S, Musto C, Valenti P, Gatta A. (2003) Neuropsychological-neurophysiological alterations and brain atrophy in cirrhotic patients. Metabolic Brain Disease

Amodio P, Wenin H, Del Piccolo F, Mapelli D, Montagnese S, Pellegrini A, Musto C, Gatta A, Umiltà C. (2002) Variability of trail making test, symbol digit test and line trait test in normal people. A normative study taking into account age-dependent decline and sociobiological variables. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research